KallistiOS git master
Independent SDK for the Sega Dreamcast
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_mbstate_tConversion state information
 CaddrinfoNetwork address information structure
 Caica_channel_tAICA command payload data for AICA_CMD_CHAN
 Caica_cmd_tCommand queue struct for commanding the AICA from the SH-4
 Caica_queue_tSH4-to-AICA command queue
 Calias_handler_tAlias handler interface
 CCDROM_TOCTOC structure returned by the BIOS
 Ccondvar_tCondition variable
 Ccont_state_tController state structure
 Cdbgio_handler_tDebug I/O Interface
 CDIRType representing a directory stream
 CdirentPOSIX directory entry structure
 Cdirent_tDirectory entry
 Cdreameye_state_tDreameye status structure
 Celf_hdr_tELF file header
 Celf_prog_tKernel-specific definition of a loaded ELF binary
 Celf_rel_tELF Relocation entry (without explicit addend)
 Celf_rela_tELF Relocation entry (with explicit addend)
 Celf_shdr_tELF Section header
 Celf_sym_tSymbol table entry
 Cexport_sym_tA single export symbol
 Cfd_setRepresents a set of file descriptors
 Cflashrom_ispcfg_tISP configuration structure
 Cflashrom_syscfg_tSystem configuration structure
 Cfs_socket_proto_tInternal sockets protocol handler
 Cg2_ctx_tG2 context
 ChostentNetwork host entry
 Cin6_addrStructure used to store an IPv6 address
 Cin_addrStructure used to store an IPv4 address
 Ciovec_tI/O vector structure
 Cip_hdr_tIPv4 Packet header
 Cipv6_hdr_tIPv6 Packet header
 Cirq_context_tArchitecture-specific structure for holding the processor state
 Ckbd_cond_tKeyboard raw condition structure
 Ckbd_keymap_tKeyboard keymap
 Ckbd_state_tKeyboard status structure
 Cklibrary_tLoaded library structure
 Ckos_blockdev_tA simple block device
 Ckos_img_tPlatform-indpendent image type
 Ckos_md5_cxt_tMD5 context
 Ckthread_attr_tThread creation attributes
 Ckthread_job_tStructure describing one job for the worker
 Ckthread_tStructure describing one running thread
 Ckthread_tls_kv_tThread-local storage key-value pair
 Ckthread_worker_tOpaque structure describing one worker thread
 CmallinfoANSI C functions
 Cmaple_device_tOne maple device
 Cmaple_devinfo_tMaple device info structure
 Cmaple_driver_tA maple device driver
 Cmaple_frame_tMaple frame to be queued for transport
 Cmaple_port_tInternal representation of a Maple port
 Cmaple_response_tMaple response frame structure
 Cmaple_state_tMaple state structure
 Cmmucontext_tMMU context type
 Cmmupage_tMMU TLB entry for a single page
 Cmmusubcontext_tMMU sub-context type
 Cmouse_state_tMouse status structure
 Cmutex_tMutual exclusion lock type
 Cnet_ipv4_stats_tIPv4 statistics structure
 Cnet_ipv6_stats_tIPv6 statistics structure
 Cnet_socket_tInternal representation of a socket for fs_socket
 Cnet_udp_stats_tUDP statistics structure
 Cnetcfg_tNetwork configuration information
 Cnetif_tStructure describing one usable network device
 Cnmmgr_handler_tName handler interface
 Coneshot_timer_tOpaque structure describing one one-shot timer
 CpollfdStructure representing a single file descriptor used by poll()
 Cppp_device_tPPP device structure
 Cppp_protocol_tPPP Protocol structure
 Cpthread_attr_tPOSIX thread attributes
 Cpthread_condattr_tPOSIX condition variable attributes
 Cpthread_mutexattr_tPOSIX mutex attributes
 Cpurupuru_effect_tEffect generation structure
 Cpvr_init_params_tPVR initialization structure
 Cpvr_mod_hdr_tModifier volume header
 Cpvr_modifier_vol_tPVR vertex type: Modifier volume
 Cpvr_poly_cxt_tPVR polygon context
 Cpvr_poly_hdr_tPVR polygon header
 Cpvr_poly_ic_hdr_tPVR polygon header with intensity color
 Cpvr_poly_mod_hdr_tPVR polygon header to be used with modifier volumes
 Cpvr_sprite_col_tPVR vertex type: Untextured sprite
 Cpvr_sprite_cxt_tPVR sprite context
 Cpvr_sprite_hdr_tPVR polygon header specifically for sprites
 Cpvr_sprite_txr_tPVR vertex type: Textured sprite
 Cpvr_stats_tPVR statistics structure
 Cpvr_vertex_pcm_tPVR vertex type: Non-textured, packed color, affected by modifier volume
 Cpvr_vertex_tGeneric PVR vertex type
 Cpvr_vertex_tpcm_tPVR vertex type: Textured, packed color, affected by modifier volume
 Crw_semaphore_tReader/writer semaphore structure
 Csched_paramScheduling Parameters, P1003.1b-1993, p
 Csemaphore_tSemaphore type
 Csip_state_tSIP status structure
 CsockaddrSocket address structure
 Csockaddr_inStructure used to store an IPv4 address for a socket
 Csockaddr_in6Structure used to store an IPv6 address for a socket
 Csockaddr_storageSocket address structure of appropriate size to hold any supported socket type's addresses
 Csymtab_handler_tA symbol table "handler" for nmmgr
 Ctcbhead_tThread Control Block Header
 Cubc_breakpoint_tUBC breakpoint structure
 CutsnameKernel name/information structure
 Cvec3f_t3D floating-point vector
 Cvector_t4-part vector type
 Cvfs_handler_tVFS handler interface
 Cvid_mode_tVideo mode structure
 Cvmu_cond_tVMU's raw condition data: 0 = PRESSED, 1 = RELEASED
 Cvmu_dir_tVMU FS Directory entries, 32 bytes each
 Cvmu_hdr_tFinal VMU package type
 Cvmu_pkg_tVMU Package type
 Cvmu_root_tVMU FS Root block layout
 Cvmu_state_tVMU's "civilized" state data: 0 = RELEASED, 1 = PRESSED
 Cvmu_timestamp_tBCD timestamp, used several places in the vmufs
 Cvmufb_font_tVMU framebuffer font meta-data
 Cvmufb_tVirtual framebuffer for the VMU